Instructions for LIRE course

How to successfully access content and navigate through the page:

STEP 1: You can read the Course Description (Popis) and the Course Content (Obsah). In the Content you can see names of the lessons. Full lessons are locked and will be accessible after the registration. For starting the course click on Začať.


STEP 2:  Registration (Registrácia). Fill in the form - First Name (Krstné meno), Surname (Priezvisko), E-mail, New Password - (Nové heslo), Confirm the password (Potvrdenie hesla) and Type the text Above. Agree on terms (Súhlasím so zasielaním...) and click Register (Registrovať).


STEP 3: Go back to the Course page and click on Start (Začať).


STEP 4: Signing In (Prihlásenie). Fill in User name (Prihlasovacie meno) and Password (Heslo). Then click on Sign In (Prihlásiť). You can close the course and start again anytime. If you Sign out, just Sign in again.


STEP 5:  In the top-right bar under the button Pokračovať, you can see the Overview of your studies: Date of start (Začali ste), Duration (Trvanie), Lessons completed (Dokončených lekcií), Tests completed (Dokončených testov), Progress in the course (Priebeh kurzu). Now click on Continue (Pokračovať).


STEP 6: You can choose the order of the lessons. Click on any lesson at the left-sidebar, or click on Previous (Predchádzajuce), or Next (Nasledujúce). Turn on the sound in videos and PPT presentations.


STEP 7:  Certificate (Certifikát). After the successful completion of the course, the Certificate will pop up at the screen. Your certificate can be accessed later in your Course Account.

!!! For troubleshooting or any technical issues (f.e. the content not accessible), please try first to delete cookies from your computer. You can contact us at:

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